Black History Month
October is Black History Month and the theme this year is: “Time for Change: Action Not Words.” At St Paul’s our curriculum is designed to integrate diversity, however we still feel it is important to mark Black History Month itself as an opportunity to celebrate the continued achievements and contributions of Black people to the UK and around the world. We do this through our programme of collective worship, the stories read to the children during story time and each year group finds out about an inspirational figure or event that has helped to promote equality and diversity.

Reception have been reading and thinking about the book ‘Look Up’ by Nathan Bryon.

Year 2 have been investigating Walter Tull, an English professional footballer and British Army officer who fought during the World War 1.

Year 3 have been learning about the Astronaut, Mae Jemison, preparing to write narrative poems inspired by her life.

Year 5 used their reading comprehension skills to find out about Black History Month itself.

...and not to be left out, on Thursday, Felicia, Jenny, Maria (pictured above) and the staff in the kitchen wore national dress and cooked up a treat of Jamaican Jerk Chicken with Jollof Rice / Pasta / Turkey and White Rice followed by Jamaican Ginger Cake and fresh fruit. We loved their fruit tree which was put on display.