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Admissions information

St Paul’s is a voluntary-aided primary school with a Church of England foundation.  As such, the governing body of the school is responsible for the admission of all pupils.

Parents wishing to apply for a place may like to telephone the administrative officer to arrange to visit the school at one of the regular open mornings dates of which are on the home page of the website.

Admissions are co-ordinated by the Enfield Schools Admissions Service, details of which are available on the Enfield Council’s website.  Parents will need to obtain and complete an Enfield application form on which they may list up to six Enfield primary schools in order of preference.  Forms may be downloaded from the Local Authority’s website by clicking on the button below:

Applicants wishing to be considered for a place at St Paul’s School under criteria 2-7 (for September 2025 admissions) will need to complete both an Enfield Local Authority form and a Supplementary Information Form which can be found below. The form must be completed in full and returned to St Paul’s School together with a copy of the baptism certificate or letter of verification from the appropriate minister of religion and a copy of the confirmation or reception certificate or certified copy of an entry in the confirmation register.

Admission to reception classes

The Enfield Schools Admissions Service issue an information booklet available from 1 October each year available from Enfield Civic Centre or from any Enfield primary school.  The closing date for applications is the following 15 January and late applications will not be considered until after the initial allocations have been made.

After the governors have met and decided on the 60 places to be allocated, parents will be notified at the beginning of April of the outcome of their application.  Parents of successful applicants will be asked to confirm in writing to the school business manager at the school their intention to take up the place offered. Unsuccessful applicants will remain on the reserve list until the beginning of the autumn term, when the Enfield Schools Admissions Service will ask them whether they wish to remain on the waiting list.

Pupils are admitted to the Reception classes in September at the beginning of the school year in which they will become 5 years old, initially on a part-time basis.  To facilitate their induction and the baseline assessment which takes place at this stage, they are admitted in small groups, beginning with the youngest children.  During this period the Reception teachers visit the children’s homes and meet individually with the parents of each child to help build up their knowledge of the child’s current stage of development.  The children will become full time during September.

If a parent wishes to explore the possibility of their summer born child being educated out of their normal school year (delaying the start of school for a year) they must discuss this with the head teacher before applying.

Download a copy of the school's Supplementary Information Form (SIF) or see below to download a copy.

Please note that applicants are required to obtain Clergy/Faith Leader References before submitting the Form to the School, along with any supporting documentation. Applicants should ensure that the Form is completed in full and that their Clergy/Faith Leader has stamped the relevant section.

For siblings of children who will be attending St Paul’s in September 2025 please also complete and return the Supplementary Information Form below. Please note that you do not need to complete Sections D-G for sibling applications.

In-year admissions

In-year admissions relate to all admissions that take place outside of the normal Reception admissions process. Although the School is responsible for its own admissions including in-year admissions it does not hold a waiting list for in-year places. 

Parents/Carers interested in an in-year admission place should register their interest with the Local Authority’s Admissions team. More information can be found by clicking the link below:

Should an in-year admission place become available, the School will write to all parents/carers on the LA admissions list for that year group asking them to complete and return the In-Year Supplementary Information Form (which includes Clergy/Faith Leader references), which can also be found below. Governors will consider the applications received and prioritise them in accordance with the published admissions criteria.

Admissions criteria

To download a copy of the 2025 criteria of admission for St Paul’s CE Primary School in PDF format please click 2025 Admissions Policy or see below.

Open mornings

We are always pleased to welcome prospective parents at St Paul’s and encourage you to visit the school prior to submitting your application.

We hold a number of open mornings throughout the year; they start at 9.30am and usually last for about an hour. They provide an opportunity for parents to meet the Head of School, gain some information about the school and see the school in action during a normal school day.

Visits can be arranged by booking a session through our Open Mornings page.

Starting School – Reception September 2025

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 you will need to apply for a Reception place for September 2025. The Information booklet from Enfield Council will be available to view online from 1st October 2024.

You will be able to access the online portal by clicking on the eAdmissions button below from September 2024 to register and complete an online application for a primary school place in Reception for September 2025. The closing date is 15th January 2025.

Parents who have applied online will be able to access the outcome of their application during the evening of 16th April 2025.


Parents/guardians who are not offered a place for their child have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. Parents wishing to appeal should complete the Appeal Form below and return it to the Clerk to the Governors c/o the School Office (, within 20 school days of the date of the letter confirming the governors' decision not to offer a place. Appellants will be given at least 10 school days' notice of their appeal hearing, and we aim to send the decision letters within 5 school days of the hearing. 

Deadlines for hearing appeals are laid out below:

Type of appeal Deadline for hearing appeal
Applications made in the normal admissions round Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals
Late and in-year applications Within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged

St. Paul's C of E Primary School, Ringwood Way, London N21 2RA

020 8360 3137