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Statement for Equality and Diversity at St Paul’s CE Primary School

We believe at St Paul’s Church of England Primary School, our attitudes and behaviour are based on the belief that every member of the school community is of equal importance. Each person in all their unique difference should be able to thrive, irrespective of physical appearance, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic background, academic ability, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity. Everyone is equal and we treat each other with dignity and respect.

We are committed to promoting the understanding of the principles and practices of equity and equality outlined in the Equalities Act 2010 – treating all members of our community as individuals, with an awareness of our diverse society and appreciating the value of difference. We actively seek to celebrate difference and challenge discrimination and we promote an anti-bullying stance which makes clear the unacceptability of racist, disablist and sexist bullying and language.

We are deeply committed to equality of opportunity and diversity as a provider of high-quality experiences for the children and adults within our school community. Our vision and values shape everything we do and espouses our commitment to equality and diversity, providing opportunities for all our children to flourish and shine like stars in the world.

Our Equalities and Diversity Action Plan and Equalities and Diversity Policy can be found on our Policies page.

The EDI (The Ethnic Diversity and Inclusion Ambassadors)

Ethnic Diversity and Inclusion poster

Who are we?

We are a team of parents and teachers working together to incorporate EDI into the fabric of St Paul's.

What do we do?

  • We celebrate our differences throughout the curriculum and school life
  • We embed ethnic inclusivity
  • We provide a sounding board for the school / teachers
  • We support parents and pupils

How do we do it?

  • By creating a safe space
  • By always learning and improving
  • By welcoming ideas

St. Paul's C of E Primary School, Ringwood Way, London N21 2RA

020 8360 3137